CEDLA - UvA Master's in Latin American Studies
In-person session: Thursday, 13th February, 17:00 - 17:45
Online session: Tuesday, 25th February, 17:00 - 18:00
In the advanced Master's in Latin American Studies you will study social transformations through a multi-disciplinary lens, including a broad range of social science disciplines. You will design your own research plan, do field research in this exciting region and become a critical academic. The Master's in Latin American Studies is research-driven, small-scale and internationally oriented.
You will delve into the most recent developments in the region and learn about topics like the new wave of economic, social and political crises that deepen inequality, insecurity and unsustainability. On the other hand you will also discuss innovative practices by indigenous and other social movements in rural and urban spaces that offer new hopes for social transformations in Latin America. The Master's in Latin American Studies provides a solid foundation for a career in research or academia, with civil society agencies, governmental and non-governmental organisations, and at research institutions both in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, the Master's in Latin American Studies degree has proven to serve as a good starting point for pursuing a PhD. +INFO
Introduction to Latin American Studies
Latin American Studies: Deepening the Debates
Interdisciplinary Methods
Research on Latin American Societies
Restricted-choice electives
Master's Thesis
Tutoring and Study Guidance
Approaches to Popular Culture in Latin America: Researching Heritage and Worldmaking
Socio-Environmental Changes in Latin America: Power, Participation and Governance
Tutorial Latin American Studies
¿Buscas un programa asequible para desarrollar tu investigación académica sobre Latinoamérica? ¡Ven a CEDLA, la pequeña América Latina en Ámsterdam!
El programa avanzado de Maestría en Estudios Latinoamericanos (MLAS) de la Universidad de Ámsterdam cuesta 3000 euros al año y te ayudará a generar un pensamiento crítico sobre la región, y elaborar planes de investigación social y académicamente que te permitan un trabajo de campo exitoso en América Latina. A través de una lente interdisciplinaria, aprenderás sobre las transformaciones sociales, mientras diseñas tu propio proyecto en esta dinámica región. Todos los estudiantes del programa de maestría serán elegibles para una beca de investigación de 1000 euros para cubrir parte de los costos de su trabajo de campo. Además puedes aplicar a una beca adicional, disponible para estudiantes afiliados a uno de nuestros proyectos de investigación MLAS. Nuestra matrícula reducida nos permite generar un espacio único de intercambio Global Norte-Sur, donde capacitar tus habilidades académicas en Europa para aplicarlas en América Latina. ¡Este puede ser tu año para vivir en dos lugares emocionantes a través de crear un proyecto académico de investigación! Inscripciones abiertas hasta el 1 de abril. +INFO
Here you can find examples of MLAS final theses. These theses represent many topics and different realities in Latin America. The programme provides you with critical knowledge, academic skills and an in-depth understanding of the academic literature. You are trained to become a social science researcher who is able to conduct research out in the field, in Latin America, and whose research will contribute to our knowledge of currents trends in that area.
Studying at CEDLA
In this video, teachers and students of the Master’s Latin American Studies share their experiences with the study programme at the University of Amsterdam. CEDLA is considered to be one of Europe’s leading Latin American Studies institutes. Its staff members are experienced researchers and qualified teachers. CEDLA has a large library with a unique collection. Facilities such as student work stations, internet and computer access, and lecture rooms are excellent. CEDLA is pivotal to the Latin American Studies community in the Netherlands. It publishes an academic journal (ERLACS), organises monthly lectures, dialogues, and many other events. It also houses the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (NALACS) and the Latin American Studies Programme (LASP).