CEDLA Current PhD Candidates
Vincenzo Carbone
LINKAGES - Local and Indigenous Knowledge for an Amazonian Grounded (Bio)Economy
Barbara Haenen
Nation-building on the periphery: state and church in the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon
Antonia McGrath
The role that civil society organizations play within the governance arrangements of Honduras’ urban margins
Raquel Salinas Peixoto
Navigating the legal and imagined spaces that contour the care of unaccompanied child migrants in Central America and the Mediterranean
Geraldine Lamadrid Guerrero
The Relief Zone: Theatre Based Research in the Political Violence Context of Veracruz
Isa Mollinger
Migration, b/ordering and social fabric in auto-constructed neighborhoods in Latin America
Lieke Prins
Creative Hangouts in Urban Spaces: Unravelling and creating socially and politically driven street art in Colombia
Johann Sebastian Reyes Bejarano
Peasant struggles, water justice, and the commons. Environmental justice and the agrarian movements of the Sumapaz River Basin in Colombia and re-commoning processes on nature and water
Hannah Porada
Building Bridges Bottom-Up? Extractive Activities, Hydrosocial Territories and Building Bridges between Guatemala and The Netherlands
Tatiana Roa Avendaño
The path from resistance towards alternatives to development. Three Colombian experiences
Laura Ximena Triana Gallego
From Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta to Bogotá: Cultural agency and political achievements from indigenous communities in visual narratives
Carolina Valladares Pasquel
The politics of ideas for leaving fossil fuels underground. The cases of Ecuador and The Netherlands